27 Gennaio 2010


6th European Junior Kitesurfing Cup

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ecco una tappa europea dedicata solo ai piccoli del kitesurf, vi alleghiamo il comunicato stampa inviato alla Redazione.

6th European Junior Kitesurfing Cup
From the 13th until the 16th of May 2010, Saint Pierre-la-Mer, France
The 6th European Junior Kitesurfing Cup: a flagship event for the discovery of young talent and future champions. It is also the first cata-kite competition in the Languedoc Roussillon region.
Kitesurfing has become an amazing sport to do all year round in the Languedoc Roussillon.  Since 2003 the town of Saint Pierre-la-Mer is the chosen spot for the organisation of the European Junior Kitesurfing Cup.
For the 6th time Saint Pierre kitesurfing school and the local tourist board of Fleury d’Aude, in cooperation with the French kitesurfing federation FFVL has put together a team of professionals to organise another  successful event from 13 – 16 May 2010.
The Saint Pierre kitesurfing instructors are in charge of the technical organisation and logistics of the competitions, together with the staff of the French kitesurfing federation FFVL. The experienced people of the local tourist board are specialized in the promotion and communication of events.
On the Kitezone in Saint Pierre 50 of the best young kitesurfers from 7 European countries from 10 -19 years will battle for the championship in the freestyle competition. They will perform their best tricks in their age group before the international judges, to win one of the many prizes and to take home part of the 3000 euros prize money.
Parallel to the freestyle kitesurfing competition there will be a long distance cata-kite race, the first one of its kind in the Languedoc Roussillon. Cata-kite is a spin-off from the sport of kitesurfing and allows people to have a go at a traction watersport under safe and secure conditions on the back of a catamaran. The new sport of cata-kite involves a catamaran that is pulled along by a kite, attached to the boat. The sport works in both light and strong winds. The kite enables the catamaran to go faster than with a traditional sail and can create incredible acceleration.
Six cata-kite boats will be available for those who wish to enter the competition in May. The competition is open to approximately 20 teams each consisting of a pilot and a helms (wo)man to race a long distance slalom course in regatta form.
Kitesurfing schools and clubs who wish to participate in this cata-kite race can sign up or contact the Saint Pierre kitesurfing school via the website www.snkite.com  or www.communefleury.fr.  During this official event the public will be able to enjoy and participate in different free watersports activities (kids’ waterskiing, power kiting, kiting, cata-kite introduction lesson, wakeboarding) as well as evening gatherings and parties.

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6th European Junior Kitesurfing Cup

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ecco una tappa europea dedicata solo ai piccoli del kitesurf, vi alleghiamo il comunicato stampa inviato alla Redazione.

6th European Junior Kitesurfing Cup
From the 13th until the 16th of May 2010, Saint Pierre-la-Mer, France
The 6th European Junior Kitesurfing Cup: a flagship event for the discovery of young talent and future champions. It is also the first cata-kite competition in the Languedoc Roussillon region.
Kitesurfing has become an amazing sport to do all year round in the Languedoc Roussillon.  Since 2003 the town of Saint Pierre-la-Mer is the chosen spot for the organisation of the European Junior Kitesurfing Cup.
For the 6th time Saint Pierre kitesurfing school and the local tourist board of Fleury d’Aude, in cooperation with the French kitesurfing federation FFVL has put together a team of professionals to organise another  successful event from 13 – 16 May 2010.
The Saint Pierre kitesurfing instructors are in charge of the technical organisation and logistics of the competitions, together with the staff of the French kitesurfing federation FFVL. The experienced people of the local tourist board are specialized in the promotion and communication of events.
On the Kitezone in Saint Pierre 50 of the best young kitesurfers from 7 European countries from 10 -19 years will battle for the championship in the freestyle competition. They will perform their best tricks in their age group before the international judges, to win one of the many prizes and to take home part of the 3000 euros prize money.
Parallel to the freestyle kitesurfing competition there will be a long distance cata-kite race, the first one of its kind in the Languedoc Roussillon. Cata-kite is a spin-off from the sport of kitesurfing and allows people to have a go at a traction watersport under safe and secure conditions on the back of a catamaran. The new sport of cata-kite involves a catamaran that is pulled along by a kite, attached to the boat. The sport works in both light and strong winds. The kite enables the catamaran to go faster than with a traditional sail and can create incredible acceleration.
Six cata-kite boats will be available for those who wish to enter the competition in May. The competition is open to approximately 20 teams each consisting of a pilot and a helms (wo)man to race a long distance slalom course in regatta form.
Kitesurfing schools and clubs who wish to participate in this cata-kite race can sign up or contact the Saint Pierre kitesurfing school via the website www.snkite.com  or www.communefleury.fr.  During this official event the public will be able to enjoy and participate in different free watersports activities (kids’ waterskiing, power kiting, kiting, cata-kite introduction lesson, wakeboarding) as well as evening gatherings and parties.

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