30 Gennaio 2011


Ultimi aggiornamenti Course Racing IKA

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Together with a relaunch of the International Kiteboarding Associations website, the IKA has unveiled a provisional schedule of the 2011 kite course racing calendar. Although not all events are finally signed yet, there is not much change to be expected.
NOTE: All events are subject to final confirmation, please check the event calendar for latest updates.
The event calendar can be found here: http://www.internationalkiteboarding.org/index.php?option=com_eventlist&view=eventlist&Itemid=53 and the events listed below will be added to the calendar as soon as they are confirmed.
Attention: the PKRA event calendar will be published February 1st and possible PKRA course racing events are not yet included here but will be posted together with all other confirmed events in the events section of the IKA website.
Major events in bold.
16.02. – 20.02.: KTA Thailand
08.03. – 12.03.: KTA Philippines
15.04. – 19.04.: KTA Korea
12.05. – 15.05.: Youth and Masters World Championships France (below 18; over 34)
19.05. – 22.05.: KTE Spain
10.06. – 13.06.: KTE Holland
20.06. – 25.06.: European Championships Turkey
28.06. – 03.07.: World Championships Sylt / Germany
07.07. – 10.07.: KTE Italy
13.07. – 17.07.: North American Championships Puerto Rico
21.07. – 24.07.: KTE Poland
26.07. – 30.07.: Racing Grand Prix Sopot / Poland
22.09. – 30.09.: African Championships Morocco
13.10. – 16.10.: EUROSAF High Performance Grand Prix Murcia / Spain
28.10. – 01.11.: KTE France

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Ultimi aggiornamenti Course Racing IKA

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Together with a relaunch of the International Kiteboarding Associations website, the IKA has unveiled a provisional schedule of the 2011 kite course racing calendar. Although not all events are finally signed yet, there is not much change to be expected.
NOTE: All events are subject to final confirmation, please check the event calendar for latest updates.
The event calendar can be found here: http://www.internationalkiteboarding.org/index.php?option=com_eventlist&view=eventlist&Itemid=53 and the events listed below will be added to the calendar as soon as they are confirmed.
Attention: the PKRA event calendar will be published February 1st and possible PKRA course racing events are not yet included here but will be posted together with all other confirmed events in the events section of the IKA website.
Major events in bold.
16.02. – 20.02.: KTA Thailand
08.03. – 12.03.: KTA Philippines
15.04. – 19.04.: KTA Korea
12.05. – 15.05.: Youth and Masters World Championships France (below 18; over 34)
19.05. – 22.05.: KTE Spain
10.06. – 13.06.: KTE Holland
20.06. – 25.06.: European Championships Turkey
28.06. – 03.07.: World Championships Sylt / Germany
07.07. – 10.07.: KTE Italy
13.07. – 17.07.: North American Championships Puerto Rico
21.07. – 24.07.: KTE Poland
26.07. – 30.07.: Racing Grand Prix Sopot / Poland
22.09. – 30.09.: African Championships Morocco
13.10. – 16.10.: EUROSAF High Performance Grand Prix Murcia / Spain
28.10. – 01.11.: KTE France

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